
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Heartbreak #2: Lessons Learned When Losing Someone

As they said, destiny.
Somehow i ask myself what's my fear the most? and i answered, "losing someone".
What i am thinking is nothing can ever replace someone like I used to know.
The emptiness that is left inside my heart when they gone.

When you're ready in love, you have to prepare for losing. You're gonna lose people in your life and realize that no matter how much time you spent or how much you appreciate them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough.
You are not mine to lose, but i still feel like i am losing you.
I realize many things. I get mad at myself for not saying the things that i could've said. I completely understand the resistance many people feel toward the phrase, "Everything happens for a reason."
When I think about the sadness, poverty, love and death that exists in the world, it's difficult to imagine this is the way things should be.

It’s easier to focus on the bad, the negative, the pain of losing someone we love. It’s also okay and necessary to acknowledge how we feel about the bad, the negative, and the pain. It is not necessary, however, to dwell in those feelings.
The good news is that there is beauty all around me. Miracles happen every day.
I open my eyes to see it all, open my heart to experience it all. It is far more beneficial to seek the good, to give thanks for small blessings, to appreciate amazing people, to love, and to remember the happy moments in my life.
Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

 Someday i'm gonna find one. Somewhere out there.

Sunny day, at the office.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cara Mendapatkan Snapchat Trophy | Bahasa Indonesia

Sosial media yang satu ini mulai mencuri hatiku setelah kamu. #eyak
eh tapi beneran, disaat yang lain pada sibuk bikin #pathdaily , aku sekarang lagi seneng mainan Snapchat. Udah pada tau dong pasti bentuknya kaya apa.

Nah, yang ini nih yang mau dibahas di sini, Snapchat itu punya trophy-trophy lucu. Kalau mau liat trophy ada di tengah atas profile Snapchat ya (gambar trophy yang jelas wk).

Inget Foursquare dong? sosmed buat check-in terus bisa dapetin badge-badge lucu tiap ada event atau setelah check in beberapa kali di satu tempat. Nah, Snapchat trophy ini bentuknya mirip seperti itu. Bedanya, kalau foursquare based on location, kalau Snapchat based on video atau foto yang kita kirim ke timeline (My Story) atau bisa dikirim personal ke friendlist.

My Snapchat Trophy
Gambar di atas adalah trophy yang udah berhasil aku dapetin. Yihaaaa!
Jadi, trophy nya dibagi dalam beberapa bagian. Ini adalah beberapa yang bisa aku jelasin di sini ya cara buat ngedapetinnya. Coba yuk!

Trophies related to Snapchat score (harus mencapai score setiap kali upload video/foto)
👶    Baby: kalau score sudah mencapai 100
🌟    Glowing star: kalau score sudah mencapai 500
✨     Sparkles: kalau score sudah mencapai 1.000
💫    Shooting star: kalau score sudah mencapai 10.000
💥    Collision symbol: kalau score sudah mencapai 50.000
🚀    Rocket ship: kalau score sudah mencapai 100.000
👻    Ghost: kalau score sudah mencapai 500.000

Trophies related to applying filters (harus menggunakan satu atau lebih filter sebelum mengupload foto/video)
👆    Finger pointing up: Kirim foto/video harus ke salah satu friendlist ya, nggak berlaku ke my story, dan harus menggunakan satu filter (bebas).
✌️     Peace sign: Kirim foto/video harus ke salah satu friendlist ya, nggak berlaku ke my story, dan harus menggunakan lebih dari satu filter (bebas).
🐼    Panda: Upload foto/video menggunakan filter black and white
Apple's Snowflake   Snowflake: Upload foto/video dengan filter temperatur dingin (freezing)
🌞    Sun with face: Upload foto/video dengan filter temperatur diatas 100° F.

Trophies related to using pen colors/drawing (harus menggunakan pen colors sebelum upload foto/video)
🍭    Lollipop: Kirim foto/video ke salah satu/lebih friendlist menggunakan 5 warna pen
🌈    Rainbow: Upload foto/video menggunakan 10/lebih warna pen
🎨    Palette: Upload foto/video menggunakan 50/lebih warna pen

Trophies related to video snaps (coba terus kirim video/foto ke my story)
📼    Videocassette tape: ini paling dasar, saat pertama kali upload foto/video
🎥    Old-school movie camera: Kirim video sebanyak 50 kali ke salah satu teman
📹    Digital video camera: Kirim video sebanyak 500 kali ke salah satu teman
🙉    Monkey holding ears: Upload video tanpa menggunakan speaker (speaker off)
🔂    Loop once: Waktu lagi ngerekan video, kameranya harus di-flip 1 kali
🔁    Loop: Waktu lagi ngerekan video, kameranya harus di-flip 5 kali
🔀    Refresh icon: Waktu lagi ngerekan video, kameranya harus di-flip 10 kali

Miscellaneous Trophies (Bagian ini baru satu yang bisa aku dapetin, hehe. Jadi ini based on many source ya)
🔦   Flashlight: When you send 10 snaps that have been clicked with the front-facing flash enabled.
🌛   Half-moon face: When you send 50 snaps taken in night mode.
👺   Japanese ogre: When you send 1000 selfies.
🔎   Magnifying glass: When you send 10 photo snaps that are zoomed in completely.
🔬   Microscope: When you send 10 video snaps in which you have zoomed.
🔠   ABCD: When you send a hundred snaps with the text font enlarged.
🍳   Egg in a frying pan: Kirim video sekitar jam 4-5 subuh ke salah satu teman

Some New Trophies (Berhubung aku juga pengguna baru Snapchat, ini adalah trophies pertama yang bisa aku dapetin)
📧   Email: Verifikasi email saat pertama kali bikin Snapchat (ada di setting)
☎️   Telephone: Verifikasi nomor handphone saat pertama kali bikin Snapchat (ada di setting)
😈   Happy devil: Screenshot aja foto/video yang ada di stories teman. Btw, ini ada notificationnya ya, jadi hati-hati buat para stalker x)). Tapi, supaya orang yang mau di screenshot nggak tau, aktivin aja airplane mode di handphone kita. Dijamin orangnya nggak bakal tau :p
👿   Sad devil: Screenshot harus 10 kali
👹   Red mask/Japanese goblin: Screenshot harus 50 kali
📻   Radio: Upload foto/video saat live story/event. Biasanya muncul saat upload (ada pilihan eventnya)
🎬   Clapper board: Upload foto/video saat live story/event 10 kali.
📠   Fax machine: Add friend pake scan code Snapchat 5 kali.

Nah, kayanya itu aja thropies nya, mungkin Snapchat akan nambahin lagi atau bikin yang lebih unik.
Hope you enjoy snap-in! I'll see you guys, soon! x

Cute Deer